Five Star Network

Five Star Network

globeFive Star is a long established Freight Forwarders Network with over 250 global offices in over 170 countries.
It houses a combined global staff of over 5000 people who possess over 2000 years of collective industry experience.
The Five Star Network is ready to handle and support the requirements of you and your clients in today’s modern shipping age.



Global Meetings

meetingAre considered crucial to the make up and operation of the group.
Five Stars Professional Members meet every year in a different continent to develop business and discuss how to enhance the network, for the benefit of all the members and in turn their clients.
Since 2006 we have met all over the world, and in 2016, our 11th Conference will be held in Batumi Georgia.



Why Five Star?

handshakeShippers – Agents of Five Star offer you an established and professional network that has proved the test of time
Agents – Join a group that has evolved over 10 years and has proven reliable and trustworthy partners



Helping Others

helpingFor Five Star, visiting countries during the annual general meeting is not just about business.
Every year wherever our annual conference is held, our Hosts in that country nominate a very worthwhile local charity that we raise funds for.
Since 2011 it has been our groups pleasure to raise funds for those less fortunate in Cape Town, Bali, Izmir, Beijing, Casablanca and Vienna.




All our professional agents undergo an in depth entry process and are professional in all their dealings. Trust, reliability and experience are a must for all our agents. Aside from the usual services of a freight forwarder, our members go further with specialist services on offer such as Supply Chain Management, Project Cargo, Exhibitions, 3rd Party Logistics, Chartering and many other professional and detailed services that are at your disposal.